pics and prayer please

I am under the weather this week in a major way...
I have gotten a pretty bad infection in my body from some dental issues, and will have another dental surgery this week to hopefully make it better.
But would appreciate any prayers if you think about it, for complete healing and that this infection would not get into my bloodstream any more than it already has.

I'm pretty miserable, to be honest with you.
And I've been dealing with some fear about all this.
But I am trying to take up my weapons in this battle against fear,
and believing Him for complete healing and prevention of it spreading.

All that to say, I'll be laying low the rest of the week.
(yay for parents and mother in law who are coming to help!)

so I thought I'd share some pictures from my "insta-life"... :)
love y'all. Have a great week!


watching sissy at splash pad // helping mama shop on our monthly Sam's run


first night of sharing rooms // first morning after (so sweet!)


indoor play tubes (=cool) // my fav summer refreshing treat (pushup frozen cherry limeade!)


my little sitter // beautiful A


my favorite "romper" // Cherry Basil Mojito at girls night


fresh cilantro, one of my fav smells // our first local crop-share delivered


new necklace from Carina // beauty with a beautiful bow from Stephanie


organizing little clothes // just me (tired me)

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PS, I just want to say I am so so thankful for yall.
I feel honored to be a part of this community!

Off to get some laughing gas...hahhahhaha

a few things...

first of all...I am OVERWHELMED at the prayer and support for my Dad as we go through this difficult time with his health.
It means the world to me, it really does.

Update on my Dad: he is doing much better, his mental state is better, still struggling with some confusion and memory loss, but is no longer extremely agitated and the hallucinations have slowed down.
They are still unsure as to the exact cause, but we are thinking now that it is just unfortunately part of the progression of his Parkinson's Disease.
(insert mad face here..i freaking hate this disease)
Please pray if you think about it, for healing, peace, and rest.
I'll update you throughout this week.


"Isaac and Sarah"!!
YAY friend!! I know you'll love this for your new little peanut!
{email me girl!}

and last but DEF not least...

didya notice how pretty my blog looks?? didya? :)
a BIG thanks to my precious friend, Danielle at Take Heart
for giving my blog a little love!

If you need some designing, she's amazing AND she's a great friend too...
one of my new-mommy-bloggy-besties. :)
{love ya friend}

OK well, I'll be in and out this week as I am home with my dad and family helping out,
but hopefully I can stay connected a little bit at least!!
love yall...
i am TRULY thankful for each of you.


I am asking today for urgent prayer for my sweet Dad.
He battles Parkinson's Disease and is beginning to show signs of it really progressing.

The last few days however, the battle has become very serious, as something is causing his mental state to be compromised and he is having hallucinations and major confusion.
Needless to say, it is very scary.
{you may remember when i asked you to pray for him last year,
concerning this very same stuff.}


One thing we DO know is that he has Pneumonia, which can possibly cause some mental issues if the infection is severe enough, but after several days of treatment things have only gotten worse,
so we are back to square one of figuring out what is causing this.

I said this in my request for prayer last year...
but i HATE this disease.
hate it.
It is incurable and symptoms can only be somewhat treated.
You may have heard of Parkinson's because it's what actor Michael J Fox has, and is a huge advocate for.
If you've ever seen him on a broadcast or commercial, you've probably noticed he stutters and moves around constantly...and he's even been accused of it being "played up",
but believe me, it's not.

This is an awful, awful sickness that steals, kills, and destroys,
just like our Enemy.


So I ask you to pray.
Pray for a miracle of healing for my Dad.
Pray for his mental state to be restored.
Pray for a SUPERNATURAL peace in my Dad's heart as I know he feels "trapped" inside himself right now.
Pray for wisdom for doctors to figure this out.
Pray for my mom as she tries to figure out how best to support him.
Pray for PEACE.
this is serious.

Thanks so much friends...I'll be headed to Texas today to help,
so I may not be around here much, but please know my family appreciates the prayers.
love yall so much.

prayer in the sickness

It is so difficult to explain to a child that she will feel better soon.
that her tummy hurts will go away, (we were praying they would)
that Mommy is so sad for her and wishes she could take it from her.
It's heartbreaking.

Abigail got really sick last week.
I had found some weird looking stuff in her diaper and took her in to the dr.
One of the concerns the Dr had was that it could be dried blood from internal bleeding,
but since I did not have a diaper with me, we would have to wait until the next day to test it.
Let me tell you, "internal bleeding" is not something you want
to hear as a possibility for your child.

{*Thankfully it was NOT blood,
but some crazy reaction to an antibiotic she was on.*}


Abigail was not herself AT ALL. Lethargic, laying around, not talking, etc.
And telling me "my tummy's hurting", and "my bottom's hurting"
with the saddest little voice.

*I want to pause and say something here...
I know several mamas who have children with serious conditions and illnesses,
and I want to say I admire you.
And that as I write about a tummy virus and not anything serious,
I am sensitive to the fact that, for you,
its not just something that goes away with time or medicine.
My heart hurts with you as you watch your children suffer.


I also want to acknowledge my own mom right now.
She dealt with LOTS of sickness and doctor's visits, etc raising me.
(I had severe IBS growing up, plus lots of other crazy sicknesses)
I just had NO idea the toll it can take on you as a mother to deal with a sick child,
especially when you are told it could be something serious.
I distinctly remember her telling me she wished she could take it away for me...
and now, as a mommy myself, I understand what that means.
Thanks Mom, for all you did for me, and for all the prayers.
(you deserve a medal for some of the things we went though with my health!)

Needless to say, as we had to wait until the next day to go in for testing,
it was a LONG night full of battling fear and emotion.
I tried to not let my mind go to the worst case scenarios.
Parker and I did our best to just pray against the fear,
and pray healing over Abigail.


During the waiting and praying, something hit me.
Something that I want Abigail to learn from me, from us as a family...
That she will hear her Mommy and Daddy pray for her and believe G0d for her.
That she would learn to pray against fear in her own little life,
that she would learn what it means to pray for healing.
And that she has a God she can talk to and trust with her biggest fears and hurts.

and you know what?
That night as I prayed for Abigail in bed,
she prayed with me and said with the sweetest yet most serious voice,
"God, heal tummy."

She had seen us, and heard us pray for her.
She had seen us trust God on her behalf.
And now she's learning to trust Him too, to call upon Him when she needs Him...
One of the best lessons she can ever learn.


love yall...have a great day.
and thanks to those who prayed with us.

linking up here:
bits of splendor monday

God has done a Miracle...update on my Dad

Update on my Dad...

Dad finally slept for about 15 hours today.
During this time, the neurologist came in and explained things again.
He said that the plan was to take him of all his parkinsons and dementia meds and introduce them back slowly after he wakes up.
He told us that something got things all out of whack,
probably a sudden progression in his brain of dementia or of PD.

I asked him if we could expect Dad to return to his normal self after all this...
his answer was no.
He said he MAY be a high percentage of himself, but not like he was.
He told me to expect this to be a long road, and that it would be a while, if at all, that Dad would be able to communicate like normal with us.
We had hope, but still fear of what to expect ahead.


My mom stepped out for a minute this afternoon, and when she walked back in the room, Dad was sitting up and asked for some water!
He carried on conversation just as clear as ever.
He talked about the Mavs, the Aggies (of course) and even asked if Abigail could come visit.
He was talking just like normal, just like my Dad.
TRULY a miracle after the incoherent jibberish the last 3 days, and after the dr's prediction.

We are stunned, the medical team is stunned.
But God is not.
He is SO good!!

Dad is still very weak physically and will begin some physical and occupational therapies in the next few days. According to the dr today, he will probably go to an inpatient rehab for a little bit just to regain strength and agility. Not sure when all this will take place but hopefully by the end of the week.

Dad doesn't remember much of the last few days, which is a blessing in itself.
Still probably best to not have visitors while my Dad is wrapping his head around all that has just happened.

Please dont stop praying.
According to the dr, this "episode" is the first of more to come over his life...
but we are believing God that He will just heal my dad completely!!

Let me remind you that this completely normal conversation and interaction today is happening without ANY medications in him. nothing.
I am asking God to HEAL my Dad of Parksinson's
through this, and we are thankful for the healing that has already taken place.

Thanks so much, Your prayers have been heard...keep em coming!!
God's power through the Holy Spirit is REAL!!!