Abigail's phone call

We took dinner to Daddy's office one night and Abigail wanted to call her Memaw and Hop and tell them she was gonna go to the zoo tomorrow...and it is by far one of our favorite videos of her ever!! her little language and words crack me up. :)

A little pre-translation of this phone call for you:
(some of the things you might hear)

Wanna come see ME?
I go to animals tonight.
(then mama corrected her)
I go to zoo tomorrow.
I see giraffe and a effant and a heeppo.
(how she says hippo cracks us up for some reason)

Daddy's office looks really...really NICE.
(so random...I don't think she meant to say that but she just went with it, hand motions and all)

hokey pokey pokey!
(when my parent's dog rolls around she says she's doing the hokey pokey)

and then the awesome look at the phone saying,
"Wanna See?"

and seriously, those eyes.

enjoy. at least the grandparents will get a kick out of this. :)

Y'all have a good rest of the weekend!

Abigail on Good Morning Texas!

(JUST in case you missed it...)
:) hehe

Here is the video of Abigail and I in a segment on Good Morning Texas,
that aired this morning!
It was about infant water safety and teaching our littles to swim at an early age!

(PS if you are a bloggy friend and don't know exactly what we look like:
I am wearing a black halter swimsuit with black and white print on the edges,
and Abigail is wearing a blue swimsuit with green and white ruffles on it!)

Check it out!
and listen to learn a little bit about water safety...
Starting them young and doing it year-round is key!!

video of Abigail talking to the camera!

Abigail could see herself in the camera and just loved seeing the "baby"!
Enjoy! I just LOVE her sweet little voice and precious smile in this!!

Scroll down to our music playlist at the bottom of the blog and press the pause button for the music so you can hear her talk!
(also, for those of you that need a little extra computer help...ie our parents...just click on the big triangle "play" button in the middle of the video and watch!) :)