Happy 4th!...and some "Did You Know's?"

So thankful for that flag that flies, representing the freedom we are blessed with here.
Happy 4th of July folks...can't wait to hear what everyone is doing to celebrate!
(and ALSO..Happy 6 months to my sweet B!!)

I am linking up today (the 4th) with a ton of bloggers for the
"Red White and YOU" blog hop!
I'd been wanting to do another one of these posts lately anyways, so I thought today would be perfect to share some random "did you know's?" about myself...


did you know?
I love watching the Tour De France bike race. It gives me chills to watch.
(I'm watching it as I write)
I secretly dream of being an amazing biker.
I actually AM naturally blonde. :) but hey, a little extra highlighting never hurt, right?
I will celebrate 9 years of marriage next month. yes, 9 years!
I used to be majorly addicted to Coca-Cola.
I went to Baylor University (for my first two years before I got married then finished at UTD)
I have never been to Europe but would LOVE to someday.

did you know?
I am a terribly light sleeper.
I grew up in Dallas, TX but moved to Oklahoma a year ago for hubb's job.
Breastfeeding is one of my favorite parts of being a new mommy.
Neither one of our babies were "planned".
I do not, and wil not, eat any kind of fish or seafood. blech.
I had a miscarriage in between our two girls.
I was the Captain of my high school drill team.
I don't like coffee. I know, I know.

did you know?
I have seen every single season of the Bachelor. yep.
I learned about the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit when I was in high school, and have not been the same since.
I am a trained Post-Partum Doula.
I hate having my nails painted. (I love mani's, but hate the fact it never stays on)
I have to trust Him every day with fear that I will lose my girls.
I cannot imagine doing anything else than being a Mommy.
I love to blog. oh wait, you prob figured that out. :)

there you have it.
{and for more random facts about me, like how I am adopted, and how I have a tattoo,
click here}

YAY for getting to know each other. :) I love this avenue for sharing life.
what a blessing it has been to me.

I'll leave y'all with some pics of what we've been up to the last few days..
lots of summer fun in the backyard!


Happy 4th y'all.
Hope it's filled with lots of watermelon, hot dogs, sunscreen, fireworks, and fun!


And, last but NOT least...
Happy 6 months sweet Bethany!!
I cannot believe how time has flown since you graced us with your dainty little self.


I love you beyond words, Monkey.

naptime thoughts: weight loss, sleep issues, and the zoo...

just a few things running though my mind today while the babes are resting...

We took Abigail to the zoo for her VERY first time, and she loved it! I think I was more excited for her than she was though. It was a little overwhelming and I think she'll probably appreciate it more in a year, but regardless, she loved seeing the "effants" and the "monkey swinging in the tree!!" Cant wait to take her again.


been trying to run. trying. I got all hyped up after I accomplished a 5k a month ago, but it has already worn off. That is my relationship with running..always has been. I get excited, get proud of myself for goals..and then I miss a few times of going and get "out of it" very easily.
but like I said...Im trying. And I've discovered that just going FIRST thing in the morning is best for me...like right as babies wake up, before breakfast, before the heat comes.
We'll see how I do this week.


Speaking of trying to be healthy, we have been TRYING to eat a lot differently around here. I think I shared a few weeks ago that I lost almost 7 lbs in 7 days...and while it hasnt continued to happen that fast, I have lost about 6 more in the last 2 weeks.
I still have about 7 more to go to be at my (pre-preggo) goal weight.

We are basically eating the Paleo diet...but I def cheat more than I should.
It's all about cutting out all processed foods and refined sugar.
that equals HARD for me. I have slipped up a bunch, but Im also learning to give my self grace for it. and the one good thing about NOT sticking to it like I want to, is that I am truly learning how certain foods really affect my body, my mood, everything.
I am so thankful that we are making this change as a family...I need it badly.
(it's not just about the weight, its about our health and wellness)

(these are some awwwwweeesome Paleo egg muffins that we consume on the daily.)
I plan to blog more about this and post some yummy recipes soon if yall are interested!


oh yeah, and Ive been thinking I really need to write out Bethany's birth story.
She almost 5 months old, can you believe it?! ahhh!! time has FLOWN with number 2.


Speaking of sweet little B, I've been really wrestling with what to do with her sleep.
Now. i KNOW that bringing up "sleep issues" concerning babies opens up a whole big can of worms to people's opinons and judgements, so i've been hesitant to share here about my thoughts and such.

But I'm thinking I need to...and I'm hopeful that feedback would be encouraging rather than discouraging. We will see.
Pray for me about this? for wisdom of what to do?
oh, and while you're at it, pray for some sleep for me. thanks.


Abigail has been playing "mama" a lot lately, which just warms my heart.
(below her dolly is resting on her napmat)
She is constantly asking me to help her swaddle her dolly, she puts her in Bethany's carseat, she takes her shopping in her little cart...everything I do with the real baby.

It hit me hard today, as I heard Abigail tell her dolly "I'm here baby. No cry baby, Mama's here"
that she WILL imitate everything I do.
and I don't just mean in the toddler sense...but I mean in life, in her own emotional and spiritual growth, she is looking to me to know what to do, say, how to act, etc.

What an honor, but what a calling for me.
It just makes me want to press into Jesus, so that I can mother her heart in the exact way she needs me to.


Oh,, and we've been playing hard around here.
Thought I'd leave you with a little picture of reality.


hope your week is going great!!