ambulances, tornados, and God's protection

Yesterday I got through the day SOLELY on God's grace. But reflecting back, I can see His divine protection, provision and grace. And I'm so thankful for that.
Bare with me and keep reading to the end, because I want to share all of God's SUPERNATURAL provision for me through all we dealt with yesterday.

Abigail has really never hurt herself, never had a big fall or injury, never had anything bleeding.
But yesterday morning she was running to the back door, excited to go to story time at the library, and I didn't see her coming so we bumped into each other.
She fell face first into the leg of our TV table.
Blood just started pouring from her nose and mouth and she was screaming for a good 20 minutes straight.
It was horrible to watch her in so much pain, and feel so helpless.
(thankfully no teeth were broken, and she just busted her lip and scraped up her nose and face pretty bad)

Little did I know, this was just the start to the day.


A little later, after she was calmed down and we had played and distracted and gotten the bleeding to stop, we headed up to the city to return some of her shoes and stop by Babies R Us.
(oh my heart aches just thinking about this again)

I was speaking with someone in Customer Service about a return, and I looked over right as Abigail was falling out of the back of the shopping cart, head first.
(I think she had stood up for a second to look at a toy she had dropped on the floor.)
I did what I could to catch her but was too late.
It was seriously like I saw her falling in slow motion.
head. first.
Right into the concrete floor.

she SCREAMED and and I scooped her up, looked at her and she had the biggest knot I've ever seen right on the front of her head.
She screamed and cried and screamed more...louder than I have ever heard her.
The woman behind me in line came over, told me she was a doctor, and recommended we call the paramedics to come take a look since she had hit her head so hard.

as you can imagine, I was just SHAKING with fear.


Long story short (well, kind of)...the paramedics came, evaluated her and said she seemed to be ok, but just to keep a close eye on her over the next 24 hours.
Having a stretcher brought into Babies R Us, with people staring, was very traumatic, but not near as bad as taking my screaming toddler, and now screaming 3 month old, into the ambulance to be evaluated.
Abigail would not calm down and I did what I could to ease her fear and pain but it took about 45 minutes until she finally calmed.
it was awful. just awful.

But she finally calmed down when i got her to listen to baby's "heart beep" with the stethoscope...
she loved doing that and it really helped to distract her.
Daddy finally got there (he was 30 min away at work) and she was MUCH better with him there...while I did paperwork in the ambulance, he took her to get a Jamba Juice.
When I pulled up, she was like her normal self, playing and drinking her smoothie.
SO so thankful.


Of course having to call 911 for your child is not exactly easy.
ooooo, but this wonderful day did not end there my friends.

As we drove home from dealing with all this, it started raining and became dark very quickly.
About 30 minutes after we got home, the tornado sirens started going off and we hunkered down (yes, I am from Texas so I can say that) in our stairwell closet with a bunch of cushions and a tiny lantern.

Our small city made national news yesterday as a tornado swept right through town.
As we hid in the closet with the TV turned way up to listen to reports, we literally heard them saying that the tornado was now crossing the intersection which is about 1/4 mile from our house. SO scary.


We are obviously okay, and our home is okay..thank the Lord!
But the roof of Parker's office building was ripped off, and it basically just rained right into the building.
He spent a lot of the evening there trying to salvage and cover things.
They had just moved into this new office 2 weeks ago.
We are still praying that they did not lose anything that cannot be replaced for clients.

(btw, keeping a toddler and a newborn in a dark closet is a WHOLE other blog post!)

but. BUT.
I want to tell you ALL the ways God met us in this crazy day yesterday.

I've been trying to "wean" Abigail off of her Paci this past week, but I had let her have it yesterday morning because she was throwing a fit and I just didn't feel like dealing with it.
But that paci probably prevented her from knocking teeth out when she fell.

When Abigail fell from the shopping cart, I had NO idea what to do. Like I was sitting there holding her just clueless.
I've never even imagined in my head how I would handle something like this.
But the lady behind me in line was a doctor. She told me what to do. She was there with her own kids but stayed with me the entire time.

Abigail fell head first right into the concrete floor. I can't even think about all the possibilities of what could have happened. (head injury, broken neck, etc)
But she only got a huge knot on her head, and it already looks much better today.

When she fell, she was screaming for a paci but I didn't have one with me (remember, I was trying to wean her). I was so upset bc I knew it would help her feel more secure.
But the manager at Babies R Us, who had already brought me ice for her head, asked me what kind of pacis she used, and went and got me a pack of them, and gave her one. He even brought her a stuffed animal when we were in the ambulance.

Sweet Bethany cried the whole time we were in the ambulance, but I could not help her because I needed to hold Abigail who was still screaming.
But one of the paramedics rocked her, gave her her paci, distracted her and helped her calm down. He later shared with me he has 6 kids of his own.

A tornado touched down very close to our home, and caused damage all over town.
But we are safe.

I had LOTS of moments yesterday where I could have completely lost it, been angry, been scared, been totally crazy.
God's grace got us through. He protected, He provided, He showed up.


{If you need to find us, we might be hunkered down again, as more tornados are expected tonight}

I finally had a good cry about everything last night as I climbed into bed, but I woke up this morning thankful and hopeful for a new day. Thanks for yalls prayers and concern for us!
and thanks for listening to me process all this today.

Basically, I am just overwhelmed today at His goodness towards us.

one of the scariest moments in my life.

I want to share one of the scariest moments in my life with you today.
and also about the supernatural protection God provided.

I feel led to share it here because I KNOW the Lord is prompting
me to write about FEAR on this blog.
About my battle with it, and about how HE has given me freedom from the chains it used to keep me in.

I will be very detailed here because I want you to be able to see God's hand in it as I now do...
and I pray that if you read this it would NOT cause you to fear yourself, but instead it would encourage you regarding God's protection.


One morning in July 2010, I was sleeping in the guest bed in Abigail's nursery, and she was sleeping in an inclined rocker near the bed (she slept in that to help her reflux).

I usually wore my contacts to bed for weeks at a time so I could see when I got up to nurse Abigail. But my eyes had needed a break the night before, so I took them out.

That morning, I woke up, and because I could not see Abigail very well with no contacts in,
I thought to myself that I needed to pull her rocker closer to me.
And in that instant I also had one of those mommy moments where
I just wanted her to be close.
So I reached over and slid her right up to the side of the bed,
as far up as it could go so that I could see her.
She was still sound asleep, so I went back to sleep too.

literally LESS than 5 minutes later,
the loudest crash I think I've ever heard woke me up. Abigail started screaming and so did I.

The ceiling fan had literally COME OUT of the ceiling, and fallen to the floor...
the light, the fan, the wires, the motor...ALL of it.
Glass, wood, and metal in a heavy heap on the floor.

RIGHT where Abigail had been sleeping not 5 minutes before.
I don't need to tell you what 50 pounds of ceiling fan
could have done if it had landed on my tiny baby girl.


Though the edge of one fan blade hit Abigail's sleeper,
she was perfectly fine...just completely scared and screaming, as was I.
Needless to say it took me a long time to get over this (and to trust using a fan again).
Fear crept (well, fell really) into my heart.
But here is where I want to point out the AMAZING protection of the Lord.
Had my eyes not been tired, I wouldn't have taken my contacts out.
Had I not taken my contacts out, I would not have been unable to see Abigail,
Had I not been unable to see her, I never would have moved her sleeper.
And had I not moved her from where she was...

But I haven't told you (shown you) the most amazing part of this story.
The DAY BEFORE this happened, we were at a 1 year old birthday party and my friend Jessi took a picture of me and Abigail.

This picture is not edited in any way, her camera was working just fine, and no other pictures came out like this.

I don't know if you believe in the supernatural, and in the Lord's protective angels...but we do.
And after this picture was taken, we KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Lord had already summoned His angels to protect our little girl
from what would happen the next day.


crazy, right? or not.
just plain God, that's what we think.
Oh I am in tears as I write about this and see this picture. God is SO good.

The point in sharing this with you in regards to fear, is that my desire is to live
expectant that God will protect.
I believe that as humans, protection is one of the main fears we struggle with.
I want to live in expectation that He will orchestrate HIS plans in my (and my children's) best interest, because He loves me.

"For He will command His angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways.
they will life you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone..."
Psalm 91:11


I have spoken with several of my good friends just this week, and read several blog posts lately about it...and it seems like all of us have been battling fear.
And It's unfortunately kind of a "given" when you are a mother, that you will feel even more fear about loss, sickness, injury, heartache, etc for your child...

But I'm on a journey to believing that it doesn't have to be our mode of operation.
I'm LIVING proof that there is freedom from the prison of fear.
I look forward to sharing more of my testimony with you about this.

I am going to begin a "series" about fear every Thursday on this blog.
Just about my journey and battle with it.
It is a powerful spirit that is NOT from the Lord.
It is one that I lived with for WAY too long, to the point of making me physically sick.

And I want freedom for YOU too.
Maybe through the power in testimony, we can walk through this battle of fear together.

{linking up here.}