i wanna blog, but...

... but I don't want to.

I don't want to ever feel pressure to blog.
to post. to comment. to read.
And the thing is, there's been so much talk I've seen going around lately about what a blog should be, what it should have been,
how it should be different, yadda yadda.

And honestly, while there are some very good and true points I agree with,
I also believe that each person's blog is just that:
it is THEIR blog.

So while I don't have much to actually say about this right now, I will say this:
I love this blog.
I love the opportunity it has opened for me to be a part of something huge that God is doing in His church and in His people,
particularly in women.
I am honored to be a part of the community it has given to me,
the women who I walk daily with and have never even met.

I love that my blog is a place for ME. My outlet, my space to process in.
My way to document life.
My way to meet new friends.
My "written legacy" that I can give to my children someday.

I love that my blog is a place where I can share as the Lord leads.
And that I can NOT share when He doesn't lead me to.

And while there is freedom in blogging,

So if I don't blog for a while, or if I don't have a "deep" post for a while,
it. is. okay.
because it is my space here and it is something that I am responsible for.
But days or seasons of life may lead me elsewhere.
And since I feel like the Lord led me to it...
I am responsible to Him and His Voice in leading me in this blogging adventure.
does that make any sense?

I just feel like I want to say this:

Free to do with your blog what you want to do.
charge money. dont charge money. host giveaways. dont host giveaways. have a business.
post about the Lord in every post. Post random pics from your iphone in every post.
Dont use pictures at all, or have posts of nothing but pics.
or do all of the above.

Just do it for YOU.
and if HE is the one who led you to this, and you believe that He is asking you to use it for His glory...
then do that too.

And in my heart and mind, being free to experience a blessing God has given me, like this blog,
is something that I don't ever want to feel pressure about.
From myself or others.

Just be free, okay?

{thats all. love yall!}

no-pressure blogging

This has been on my heart lately, and then I remembered I posted about it before...
so here's an oldie for ya. I pray it will speak to you today, bloggers.


There shouldn't be any pressure in blogging.

No pressure to post at certain times or on certain days.
No pressure to link up with certain link parties.
No pressure to comment or follow.
No pressure to perform or please.


I truly believe that blogging should come from our hearts,
and not be in any way about performing for anyone, or pleasing anyone.

That performance mode is so sneaky, at least it is in my life.
But my heart is to BE MYSELF in real life, and in this blog.
and if that means that I can't blog or link up or comment or catch up on blogs
...it's OKAY.


If I need to just gaze into newborn eyes,
or spend time with my (very needy) toddler, or call a friend on the phone,
or even just chill and watch TV...
instead of linking up with the latest link party, or blogging about whatever happened that day
...it's okay, no pressure.

And if that means that I don't post about the amazing crafts I've done with my littles,
or the wonderful dinner I cooked, or the beautiful decorations I "DIYed",
...it's okay, no pressure.

Because I'm not any more than what God gives me grace to be in that moment.


And if that day, we did an awesome craft and
I took amazing pictures of it to share here, then thats great too...
and i LOVE those days!

But if we didn't do crafts all week and I cannot "show" the world the
"amazing mothering" things I've done that week,
that's okay too.


I have found myself getting consumed before, thinking about
what i should blog about, and when I should post it, what pictures I will share, where I will link up, etc etc.
Any of you bloggers relate?

let me be clear:
there's NOTHING wrong with planning to blog,
or posting certain things.
I have done it and will continue to!

But my heart about this is that I would just
"go with the flow"...
that I would blog where there is grace to.
and that basically just means that if I feel peace about it,
and if the Lord has lined it up for me to have the ability to do it,
then that's what I will do.


But if I don't, and if I need to just snuggle with my girls
instead of meeting some "blogging deadline" i have made for myself in my head..
then that's what I will do.
Or if I need to take something to the Lord first,
before I "process" it out loud in a blog post,
then that's what I need to do.
...and on the other hand, if I feel led to post every day or link up every time,
and the Lord gives me the time and grace to do that, then I will.

Maybe it's all just me and noone else deals with this.
I even took a break from blogging last summer for a few months,
so I could re-prioritize my heart and see where blogging fit in.
Thankfully, He showed me it is a part of my life, and that I just have to follow His lead about what and when to blog.

I guess I just wanted to express these thoughts about blogging in hopes to give a little freedom to myself, and possibly stir some other hearts about
just simply blogging as the Lord gives grace to.

and also being okay with setting the computer to the side for a while...


I had to set aside the "plan" in my head for blogging today,
I wanted to do it much earlier in the day.
But life happened.

BUT now here I sit, the end of the night,
with the time and energy (and an unusually quiet house),
and the Lord has given me the grace to write this post
so I can link up with other bloggers here.

I hope that you know my heart is to always be a blessing to anyone who reads this blog,
and I feel it would be a disservice to you, and to myself,
if I blogged according to expectations from myself or others.
I just want to blog where there is grace to blog.

Thanks for listening, love yall.

{reflecting}: some 2011 posts . . .

I started this blog in 2011,
having no idea how it would change me, challenge me, and encourage me.
Thanks to ALL of you precious bloggy friends
who have come by my (virtual) side and become my friend this past year.
And thanks to those who read my blog - it means more than you know.

(our little family a year ago)

Today (I know its the 2nd of Jan, I should've done this yesterday!)...
I'm reflecting with you
on some of the things I have written about the past year,
(and a few fun moments in pictures too!)

(Abigail learning to walk last March!)

If we haven't known each other long and you'd like to learn more about me,
or if you just want to read them,
here are a few of
my favorite/most read posts from 2011...

I shared about weaning Abigail from breastfeeding,
and how it felt like a part of me was suddenly missing.

(sweet moments with my girl)

I did my holiday home tour when I put up all our Christmas decor...
it was fun to show you around!

God is speaking to me about no more justifying
what HE has provided.

I talked openly about the emotions that come with

(due on Thursday!)

I shared some randomness about me.

we found out what we were having!

(our new little one in the works!)

I blogged about my struggle in knowing
how to love two when this new baby comes.

My desire to trust in HIS provision for my daily needs:

(moving to a new state!)

Many of you joined in praying healing prayers for my Dad,
...and God answered. Thank you.

Trying to learn about just "being" as a mommy.

(some fun mommy moments)

Shared one of my fav dessert recipes: Texas Gold Bars!

Abigail learned to walk, and I wrote about

Parker shared about learning to Be Still.

my (few) attempts to be crafty: Abigail's bow frame

I wrote about loss and how God can bring us a
change of plans at any moment.

(becoming quite the toddler this year!)

And I've shared several times about

I have been SO so blessed by this blog this year,
in more ways that you can imagine.
It has opened my heart and mind to a lot more that God has intended
for my life.
Thanks for being a part of it.

Happy New Year - I look forward to what's to come!

linking up here:

bless the bloggers!

Some of my boggy friends call it "de-lurking"....
basically, that just means letting the blogger you are reading know that you are actually reading (and hopefully enjoying what you read!)
We as bloggers love to know who you are!

For me,
blogging is not about how many followers I have.
Its not about the stats or the comments.
Its about sharing my heart with those who care to read it.

All that said, it is a huge blessing to know who is reading what's on my heart.
I'd love for you to be a follower of my blog if you aren't already!

Just go to the side of my blog over there and click "follow"
you don't have to have a blog to do it!

My friend Casey posted this today...go check it out.
Its basically a perfect little explanation about following blogs.
also, just check out her blog in general, itll bless your socks off.
(and become a follower of her while youre there!)


PLEASE check out the other blogs listed on here
(look over there on the right. now look at the ones on the left.)
good...I promise you will be blessed by all these writers.

now go bless the bloggers you read and become a follower!

Love you ALL!!!