Identity Check
/I'm processing a lot in my head and heart right now.
(so bare with me)
A lot about my identity and where it comes from.
And about where it SHOULDN'T come from.
As much as I love being a wife,
it does not define me.
And as much as I love being a mommy,
that does not define me either.
Well, it shouldn't at least.
But, truth is, I let these things define me a lot.
I think I just get caught up in my roles and my day to day...
to the point of where my day-to-day becomes my identity.
Does that make sense?
(if it doesn't, sorry..Im just processing all this)
I'm not saying that these roles
(be it wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend...)
do not ADD value and blessing to my life....
they most certainly do.
But they do not MAKE me valuable.
"Value" is defined as worth, importance, desirability.
I know God is trying to teach me WHERE my identity and value lie.
and it ultimately lies with Him and ONLY Him...
with what He did for me on the Cross, with the power and peace that is available for me now.
THOSE things are what give me worth.
I do not become more valuable to Him by ANYthing I can do, or by any role I have.
It's just not possible.
It's foolish actually, to think that I could do something that would make Him love me more.
Because He is already in love with me.
Who am I?
I am a wife, a mama, a daughter, a daughter-in-law, a sister, a friend, a dancer,
a wanna-be-triathlete, a homemaker, a worshipper, a lover of music, a blogger,
an outdoors girl, a new mommy...
the list goes on.
But honestly, I want to be so sure of my place in His heart (my identity),
that were those things, those roles, to be taken away from me...
I would know I am still valuable.
It is, and it will be, a DAILY process to believe this,
and a lot of things go into my ability to live in this knowledge.
{this is a great place for the enemy to enter and attack me with fear}
and I am by no means there yet.
But I DO know that I desire to be okay with my value coming solely from Him,
from who He says I am, and from what He has done in my life.
Can you imagine walking around each day KNOWING that you are important?
KNOWING that you have worth apart from anything you can do?
That's what He gives us y'all.