Being who I am.

I am determined to live more “me” lately, to be more of who I am made to be.

I challenge myself to be better in the things that need to change. I seek more than just the average and the familiar. I don’t want to be the same as everyone else. I don’t want to be the same as I was last year, last month, yesterday.

I don’t get things right most of the time. I pray and cry. I yell and cuss. I worship and dance. I feel a lot of feels, but I use my head too.

I have an enneagram number, but it doesn’t define me. I have a color test answer, but it’s not all of who I am. I have certain letters on a personality test, but it’s not all I do.

I can roar like a mama bear. I can be gentle and subdued. I can be loud. I can keep my mouth shut and listen. I can be anxious, sad, joyful, excited, scared, warrior-mode…and I don’t want to shy away from any of it. Because it’s who I am.

I have beliefs others don’t have. I have struggles others don’t have. I have dreams and goals and visions others don’t have. I have testimonies others don’t have. I have a purpose others don’t have. (So do you, friend.)

I am a woman after the heart of Jesus, and a woman who cherishes freedom (in so many regards), and a woman who lives my life thankful that mercies are new every single morning.

If you have let this last year or two redefine you (not in a good way), cause you to feel a need to conform, or make you forget who you are and what you have to offer, what you believe, who you are in your core…take a minute to stop and remember.

Write it out. Don’t be shy with yourself. Your heart deserves to remember who you are…and then stand in awe of God’s perfect creation of YOU, unapologetically.