Hope in Heaven
Abigail randomly asked me today if I remembered the fallen little bird one of her teachers had rescued from the playground a few weeks ago. It had had a broken leg and they were going to try and get it some help. I never knew the end of the story.
I told her I remembered...and then she informed me that the baby bird had gone to Heaven.
I asked her if that made her sad.
She pondered and took a deep breath.
"A little bit sad, but mainly happy."
I asked what made her happy, and her response was precious. and moving to my spirit.
"I was happy because I didn't want him to have a broken leg.
In Heaven, he can just be whole."
// amen. amen. amen.
Thank you Jesus for this precious reminder through my baby girl all because of a baby bird...
we ARE whole in your presence in Heaven. No broken anything. Praise you God! //
Obviously I wanted this conversation to keep going,
so we talked about how her Hop (my dad) is in Heaven, and she chimed in saying that she remembers her Memaw telling her that Hop was healthy now because he was in Heaven.
// another sweet reminder I needed to hear as I have missed my Dad lately. Thank you Jesus that he is literally ALIVE and fellowshipping with you and all the Saints there right now, and that he is free from sickness! //
She asked a few more incredible questions that I will share another time.
Amazingly prophetic and encouraging perceptions about Heaven that I am still stirring over.
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I stand amazed writing this out, that He has deposited such truth into this little girl.
And her unwavering obedience to listen to His spirit inside of her is so pure and innocent.
She doesn't even know that's what it is, really.
She just trusts the peace she feels in her answers.
So untouched by the enemy at this point in her life.
Faith that is so unhindered by lies and distractions around her.
Faith from HIM alone.
// we pray that she will always air on the side of faith in her life, today and in her future. //
Faith her mama needed to hear.
The TRUTH of some huge things...
Our bodies and hearts, no matter how broken this side of Heaven....because of Jesus...
they are made WHOLE and COMPLETE and HEALED after death on Earth.
So really....death on Earth isn't death at all.
did you get that, whoever you are reading this?!
did you hear it?
THIS is not the end.
This space and this body and this life are not IT.
When you believe Him...
You don't die.
You live in perfect health, perfect peace, perfect community, perfect LOVE.
Beyond perfect.
And that gives me HOPE, not just about my own day to come someday,
but to picture that my loved ones are there, in a perfect place...brings such comfort and hope.
My Dad, Parker's Dad, our three babies, Parker's godfather, all of our grandparents, friends...
they are literally living right now.
Death did not end their lives.
"I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying "Look, God's home is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever." Revelation 21:3
"And now, dear brothers and sisters, we want you to know what will happen to the believers who have died, so that you will not grieve like people who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and was raised to life again, we also believe that when Jesus returns, God will bring back with him the believers who have died." 1 Thessalonians 4:13 (and keep reading on!)
So, if you are grieving, if you are dreading a coming loss, if you are just searching...
keep seeking the TRUTH of this.
Because yes, we do feel sad. We do ache in the midst of loss.
But the REALITY is?
We can have hope too.
And even be a little "happy", like Abigail was.
Because yes, we do feel sad. We do ache in the midst of loss.
But the REALITY is?
We can have hope too.
And even be a little "happy", like Abigail was.
And that, through Jesus, we are made whole and that we do keep on living.
And that we will all live again together one day.
Be encouraged.
Have hope in this.
Hope in Him.