a few LOL's for the mamas...

To compliment the quick thought I shared yesterday about being a mom,
I DO want to say....
it IS a hard job in the sense that, well, it never ends.
There's no vacation, no weekend, no "day off".
And sometimes no time alone, like at all.
(have YOU ever tried to go to the bathroom with curious little ones in your house? yeah.)
And really, there are just a lot of funny things that go along with this job!

so these all made me laugh.
I think i literally LOL'd a few times.
...and have a good weekend another day in the life! :)

 photo momfunnies6.jpg  photo momfunnies1.png  photo momfunnies2.png  photo momfunnies3.jpg  photo momfunnies4.jpg  photo momfunnies5.png  photo momfunnies7.jpg
 photo momfunnies8.jpg  photo momfunnies9.jpg  photo momfunnies10.jpg  photo momfunnies11.jpg

(all of these I found on Pinterest!)

um. I can relate to pretty much all of these.

love to yall!
You are doing a good job, mamas. :)