it's gonna be good.

oh hey there. I have a blog. :)
no but really, I've missed this and missed y'all here.
I posted lately, but not really posted. you know what I mean?

Partly because of actual busyness of life...but party because there's just so much rolling around in my heart and head that it has seemed like a big effort to sit and write it all out.
Like I would probably be typing, staring, thinking, praying, crying, and then retyping 
at my computer for days.
I know if you are a blogger, you understand.

But God has been speaking to me and reminding me lately that He speaks to ME,
 though me "speaking" on this blog. 
And that He gave me this little corner of the interwebs to be blessed and to hopefully be a blessing to others, as I share my own story and life here.

He is also reminding me a lot that He is a God who fulfills promises and words that He as spoken over my life. He is good like that.
He is giving me some new vision for some new things...
in almost every area of my life.
In my relationship with Jesus, my marriage, my parenting, my home-making, my eating and health, 
my dreams...
and even my blog here.

{we got to see these beautiful double rainbows on our girls trip a few weeks ago...amazing.}
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I have let these new desires in my heart overwhelm me a bit, 
as it seems like "how can I get this all done?!" a lot of the time.
But what He is showing me lately is that if I let Him,
HE will give order to it all.
He can even lead me in the order to which I go about my day...
and in my trust of HIM being in control of it all,
I can relax knowing that it WILL all get done.
in HIS timing.

He has promised goodness in my life.
He has promised Joy and Peace.
I am clinging to that. Clinging to the character of God which is always good.

I truly believe this is a new season of HOPE in my life.
Hope and restoration.
And I am so so excited to see what happens.

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He has guided us gracefully 
though a really awful and tough last 8 months or so, 
dealing with so much loss (my dad and two babies) and some significant health scares,
(I havent shared all that here yet, but will soon.)

And I am believing He is making our hearts ready for a new season.
Not like there won't be any heartache or struggle, there will be.
But I feel His hand on us as we transition to new ground. Higher ground.

I can't wait to share more here soon.
More about the hard stuff, and more about the good.
He has given me a new vision for this blog, (including a name change!), which I'll tell yall more about soon.
It's just gonna all be good.

It's taken me a long time in this previous season to say that.
But His love for me is allowing me to now...
it IS gonna be good.

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