no words.

As we hunkered down and took shelter yesterday here in Oklahoma, 
we had NO idea what was happening just 10 miles from our home.
(literally, its so hair salon was there, and its where Abigail takes ballet)
By now, you have most likely seen the horrific images and heard of the rising death toll, which is still unknown.
No words to share right now really.
Just pray.

a prayer my husband wrote last night...


My heart is absolutely broken. Destruction and death has come for so many.  Just a few hours ago and only nine miles from my home fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, friends and worst of all children were taken from this earth in an instant.  How devastating and life altering.  You know full well what it’s like to watch life taken and the unimaginable pain that one walks through in dealing with that.  I ask you Lord to bring unending comfort to the ones who are left devastated and without a loved one tonight.  As our Maker and Creator, only you can bring and create life in the midst of death; please bring that life to ones who need it.  I pray for those who are weeping at this very minute.  You promised those who sow in tears will reap in joy; I ask that joy would come quickly to those that are sowing tonight.  Thank you Father that you hear me.  Thank you that you long to answer my prayers and the prayers of the saints that are being spoken. 
I ask you in the name of your Son, Jesus.  

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