a sort-of New Yearsy post.
/welp, its now 2013 and I didn't do the obligatory and expected "2013 New Years" post like most bloggers.
And really, I had plans to, I had plans to write a great post about what I am looking forward to in the coming year, about what I believe the Lord is speaking to us about this year, about my goals, about my desires, etc etc. you get it.
You read it all over web land just like I did.
And really I love reading those posts, I love hearing people's desires and goals and ambitions for a new season and
year of life...it is always encouraging a motivating.
In my reading, I came across two wonderful, heart-touching posts about setting "goals" for the new year...
read Jami's post here, and read my friend Leslie's post here.
They really get to the heart of the matter...to the heart of why we should want to set goals, to the heart of why we DO set goals, to the heart of priorities in setting goals.
Go read, they really spoke to my heart, and I'm sure they will to yours.
But back to the not-blogging-a-new-years-post thing... I honestly feel today, as I sit and write this out, that it's kind of just fitting with the theme that I feel like the Lord is doing in me in this season.
That I wait on Him to tell me when and how and where and what. That I don't want to do anything out of my own flesh or my own selfish priorities. (and not just with blogging, but with everything)
Not sure if I can describe my heart about this to make total sense to you here, but anywho.
Point is...I haven't had the time or energy to blog the last few days, and that's ok with me.
Doing this blog is in fact a huge part of my life. It is where I get to process, pour out, be encouraged, encourage, share life, etc. I have even met some of my best friends through this blog. Literally, girls who I do life with every day now, even if it just through a million texts across thousands of miles.
So while this blog is so important to me, it is not THE most important.
Other things have to take priority. Like helping figure out our new family budget, helping with some "administrative" things with my husband as he puts things in order for our family. Running errands, cooking healthy (hmm, trying anyways), playing with my girls, changing diapers, etc etc etc. you get the pic. And one of the most important, loving on my husband. And if that looks like putting the computer away at night and not blogging like I had wanted to, so we can just chill and watch a show without making him feel like i am just looking at a computer screen, then that's more important.
Parker and I decided to sit down and write out goals/desires/prayers for the coming year.
I made a piece of paper with each topic on it, and spread then out on the floor.
(topics included marriage, financial, parenting, fitness, time management, etc)
So after the kids went to bed the other night, we sat down, and started discussing/filling out each sheet. We did not even get half way done before our brains needed a break, but it was such a wonderful start.
We've never done anything like this before, and I think it was a great way to start fresh in a new year.
It makes me excited to see where God takes us, what words He fulfills in our family, and what restoration He brings to places where we need it most, in this coming year. It has already begin, and I am so thrilled to see the fruit.
I am also excited to see the new season for my blog. I am excited for new community, for new relationships, for new adventures. So excited.
But I am gong into the blogging thing with a readiness to blog as and when He gives me the grace me to.
I can only hope that it will become an even bigger blessing in my life if I do that.
Thanks for hearing my heart today, and thanks for being a part of my journey into a new year,
and into another year of blogging.
Y'all rock. :)