Letters to Littles link up!

Today is our first Letters to Littles link-up!!
the heart behind this:
I desire for this blog to be a beautiful gift for my children someday,
and really want to start writing TO my little ones, and not just ABOUT them all the time...
what a precious gift to share with them someday!

So if you'd like to share a letter for your little one, please link up below and join us!
It can be to your little bitty, your big kid (or even adult), your grandbaby, or your baby-to-be.
This link up can encourage us to remember to write to their hearts,
whatever you want to share...

how much you love them, the cute milestones they are doing now, the way they teach you,
even about your struggles in mothering them, or just something you need them to know.
From your heart to theirs.


April 11, 1012
My Sweet Abigail,

you are GROWING!!!
Each day you get bigger and smarter and prettier and even more loving!
And also a little more sassy... but we are working through it, with God's grace each day! :)

In your Easter basket last weekend, you got a pretty little Hello Kitty necklace, and also some nail polish.
It makes my heart swoon to see you growing into a GIRL and not just a baby anymore.
It makes me sad too, because it has gone so fast.


As I see you treasure your new necklace and even when you play dress up,
my heart is so full as a watch this tiny woman become who she is.
It makes me want to press into the Lord even more so that He can show me how to mother your heart, as you learn about and confront things like physical appearance, comparison, jealousy, and all the other things that go along with being a girl.

I want to teach you that you are BEAUTIFUL, inside and out.
And I want to affirm you about EACH one...that the Lord has made you physically STUNNING,
and that He has also made your HEART just beautiful.
There's a lot more I need to learn about these things myself.
Im honored to go before you in this journey of becoming a woman.



Link up your letter below!

and PS...Happy "Ring Day" to my hubby!
cannot believe it has been 9 years since I said yes...
love you P.