this time last year . . .

{that's what my little says when she's excited about something!}
so WAHOOO it is today . . .
Just wanted to do quick little intro to me and my blog,
for those that may be new, and to my "old" new friends too!


I'm Wahooing because Im linking up with some
check it out, especially if you blog....but even if you don't,
you will be able to "meet" lots of new bloggers that you may be drawn to start following!!
for reals, check it out::


I'm Sarah, and I am SO happy to get to know some new friends!
Parker is my precious husband and we
have been through LOTS together,
celebrating 8 years of marriage last summer.
lots of ups and lots of downs.
but BLESSED indeed.

God graced us with our sweet {and spicy} Abigail Joy
on Christmas Eve of 2009.
She is the LIGHT and JOY of our lives.
She keeps the spunk alive for sure. :)


the pic above is from Halloween-time last year...
{btw, my last year's ladybug will reveal her costume for you in a few days....stay tuned!}

This time last year, we lived in a different state,
my husband had a different job,
I was still adjusting {was?} to newmommyhood,
we were dependent on the Lord for ALL
(I mean to. the. penny) our financial provision.

This time last year {actually exactly one year ago today},
we found out we were pregnant with #2
And we found out 3 weeks later that it had gone Home to be with it's Maker.

This time last year,
I didn't know what blogging really was.


Since this time last year,
some things have changed, and some haven't, and I am
grateful for both.

We are still dependent on the Lord to provide for us.
We are adjusting to life in a new state with new friends and no family.
I am still adjusting DAILY to mommyhood.
And now toddlerhood. {yikes!}.

AND we are expecting another little princess,
due 10 weeks from today! {insert "wahooo!}

(thats me at about 28 weeks, and then me and A at the hospital getting the baby monitored,
finding out my bad cramping was due to an infection, but all is ok now. And A held my hand through it all.)

And since this time last year,
I discovered the blessing blogging has been in my life.
I thought it was just going to be a way to "keep the masses" of our family and close friends
up to date with our life.

but it is SO. MUCH. MORE.
{if you are part of this link up, then you probably already know that.}

I do blog to update and inform our family of what's happening.
but I also blog to share what God is sharing with me.
to share life with others.
to be encouraged by others.
to be blessed and to {hopefully} bless.


All that to say...
I hope you will stop by again, and I look forward to meeting you too!
Check out past posts, recent posts, and the buttons on the side over there,
to learn more about my little corner here in blogland.
or shoot me an email and introduce yourself!

I do hope you come back, I am already blessed to know you . . .

for reals. :)

Race Towards Joy

Oh, and Happy Fall, Y'all!

