Happy BIrthday, My Love...

Today I get to celebrate one of my favorite days of the year...
Parker's birthday!!
(thats the hubbs in case you didn't know!)


I wont write too much because I might make you gag a little. :)
{but i have to say}

He is the love of my life, my best friend, my confidant,
my teacher,
my leader, my lover, my pointer-to-Christ, my soul-mate,
my walk-through-fire-together-and-not-get-burned partner...
in this journey God has had us on for the last 9 years together.


oh, and he's an amazing Dada.
better than I could have ever hoped for or imagined.
and boy, does she love him too.
He is her HERO.
every. day.
(though i think he might argue that she is his hero.)


I've written about my man before, and Id love for you to
get to know him,
especially if we are new friends here in blog world...
so check these out if you want to:


I am overwhelmed at the man you are,
especially considering the crazy obedience and faith
the Lord has required of us in this journey.
It has been amazing to see you continue to have faith and trust in the midst of it all.
It's been awesome to see you fall in love with being a daddy.
I am thankful for the good times, but also the fire we've been through together.
I am thankful to be led by such a strong man,
and I am thankful for your life.


Happy Birthday, Baby.
I wuv you.


the man of my dreams

Thats what I found as I walked into the bathroom after loading a sleepy baby out of the car and into her bed for a nap today. I had been holding it all the way home and was rushing in to the bathroom, but the little pink post-it on the mirror caught my eye and stopped me in my tracks.

He's so good to me, my husband.
He had to leave town today for work and left while Abigail and I were out.
What a treasure to come back to a little bitty love note on my mirror.
sigh. my heart is beating fast even as I think about how it
totally threw me off and made me melt.
(not to mention it made me forget how bad I needed to pee) :)

Several minutes later I went into the bedroom and found this on my nightstand...
seriously? oh my goodness.
I've never really bragged on my hubby before on this blog, but Im going to take this chance to do so if you don't mind. I want to share with you just a tiny glimpse about him,
and about his heart, and about his love for me.

He loves people well.
and anyone who knows him knows that they can call him for anything,
and that he follows through.
He understands and demonstrates grace like no one I've ever known.
He would tell you its because he's been given grace too and that he knows it changes lives.

He works hard. For many years we have not had a steady paycheck (well, what the world calls "steady" anyways), and have been completely reliant on the provision of the Lord. not an easy thing, especially for a man.
But he's always been obedient to the Lord's calling and direction, even if it meant leaving jobs or ending potential business ventures that could have been "successful".
Its been an honor to walk a life of faith with this man.

My husband has taught me the difference between religion and having a relationship with Jesus, two totally different things.
And he's been patient with my black-and-white understanding of God and has helped me see how colorful my relationship with the Lord can be.
I love learning about the Kingdom from my husband.
He always points me to Jesus and to truth.

and let me just tell you how much he loves his little girl.
i mean, completely SMITTEN!!

(i thought it couldn't get sweeter and then I found this on Abigail's little table)

We have both been in awe of the JOY we have been given through our precious Abigail.
Her name means "The Joy of the Father", and that she is.
Of her earthly and her Heavenly father.
I've never seen him so giddy and we talk every night about how in love with her we are.
I dont know who lights up more when Dada comes in the room, him or her!
He is such a good daddy and has been such a display of unconditional love to our daughter already.
I cant wait to see them grow up together.

I thought that was all the love notes, but when she woke from her nap and needed a new diaper...this is what I found on the changing table.

(another sigh.) I am in awe of what God has given me in my husband.
If we were sitting down to share our story with you, we would tell you that it hasn't been an easy road. Our almost 8 years of marriage have taken us though a lot of what we call fire (because we know it is refining us), and yet we are still standing.
I just have to share a few more things about him.... :)

He has stood beside me through 6 (yes, 6) surgeries and countless health issues.
(glad to report we are both healthy today)

He has been obedient to what the Lord is telling us about our marriage and our journey of faith.
He has stuck it out when marriage has been hard, and it has been.

He has loved my family so well.
He loves my friends well too, and they love him.

He never fails to minister God's love and truth to me,
even when I am fighting what he has to say.

He has stood by me though pregnancy and delivery and
through the sleepless adjustment to motherhood.
He held my hand through our miscarriage, I couldn't have held it together without him.

He spoke with grace at his father's funeral 18 months ago,
and shared the love of Christ despite his grief.
He has mourned his father's loss with a hope that is amazing,
because he understands the hope that we have been given in Jesus.
He is such an example to me.

He is a very real person, and will speak truth to you like it needs to be said.
He loves well, because he is loved by a Father in Heaven that changed his life.

Thankful for my pink post-its today...
"I love you too, Parker Lowe"

This was the lovely in my day, to get some more lovely, head over here: