hello November

(image via pinterest, lindsey ocker photography)

This really is my favorite month.
I never actually knew that until recently, when my little girl asked me what my favorite was.
I reflected on it for a minute while curious eyes stared at me for an answer.

"November. November is my favorite."

I reflected on that answer again later...

Because it's Parker's birthday (the 5th), my favorite day of the year.
Because it's the start of pretty colors outside.
All things Thanksgiving meal.
The Aggies are still playing football.
It's the start of the weather finally feeling cooler.
Holiday season that includes lots of family time.
The air just smells fresher.
Giant piles of leaves for little people to jump into.
The start of "birthday season" for our entire little family.
Pumpkin Cake.
Roasting marshmallows around our fire pit.
Pretty picture taking.
Planning Christmas and birthday gifting
Fires in the fireplace (we are having our first one tonight!)
Yummy smelling Fall and Winter candles.
Just all of it, really.

and then I reflected on why I am loving THIS particular November...

Because we are now just 10 weeks our from meeting our new baby boy.
Because it means cool weather after a warm last couple months.
Parker and I are dreaming together about different things (business and personal),
and actually seeing some of those things come to fruition.
Tiny boots, for my ever-growing girls.
New spiritual family we get to do life with weekly now...a huge answer to prayer.
Friendships that have gone deeper...another answer to prayer.
Noone in my family has been sick yet. (this time last year was tough for us all)
God showing me how His words over me really do NOT return void.
Cute Fall dresses for my girlies.
Healthy pregnancy.
The excuse to wear leggings, giant sweaters, and uggs every day, because it's cold and because, well, pregnant.
Our marriage feels more connected than ever.
Making some big decisions about future education for our kids is being confirmed.
This month I feel "capable"...with His strength.
and last but not least, freedom to eat more fun Fall-ish food, because again, pregnant. :)

Whether you love this time of year or not, I pray that you find the blessings around you.
That the next few months of cold and holidays and family (and sometimes more stress), would draw you closer to the Lord.
That you would just stop and breath in the crisp, beautiful, created-for-you air.

Happy November, y'all.