Mother's Day "Tea"

Today was a little Mother's Day "tea" (aka lemonade) at Abigail's MDO class...
my heart has been waiting for this all week. I realize that sounds silly because she's only 2 years old, but still! I was so excited to go...


Lots of moms turned out for it, which was so neat to see! When the kids came in from the playground, and all their mommies were standing around...their faces all just lit up!!


Lemonade, cookies, and biscuits were served.
I made some cream cheese chocolate chip cresent roll bites to share
(thats a mouthful to say...and eat!). yumm.


Abigail was SO proud that I was there, and kept saying "MY Mommy is right HERE!".
We were presented with their "gifts" for us...
a paper purse, which Abigail LOVED giving me, and a ceramic heart they painted!


Abigail took her heart over to show Baby what she had made. "Look Baby! See, I made a heart for Mama!"


She had so much fun with Mommy being there. But I think MY heart had a little more fun. :)
