/When I went through my Postpartum Doula training a few years ago,
they had us fill out this drawing according to
what we had learned/what we knew
about what a freshly-postpartum mama is experiencing.
It pretty much sums it all up.
I like to call it "Postpartumness":
and It's no joke.
If you've given birth (no matter how), you'll know what I'm talking about.
and what I mean when I say
this little drawing could be me right now...
Two weeks out from giving birth
and settling in to the adjustment of being a new mama (of two),
and also dealing with all that comes with my post-partum body.
I'm not really trying to vent in this post,
Just being real about where I'm at...
because all these things that are affecting my body physically,
are affecting me in every way: emotionally, spiritually, mentally.
but Thankfully God's grace
is getting me through each day.
Don't get me wrong, it's all TOTALLY worth it...
I just wanted to shed some light and give a little
well-deserved recognition to
this little-talked-about postpartumness
that every new mama experiences.
We don't just deliver a baby and then magically
feel like a beautiful, energetic new mommy.
I wish someone had told me about some of this stuff before I had my first,
(though i don't want to scare any new expectant mamas!)
This is just reality. My reality, anyways.
You might recognize a few of the "symptoms" on this little mama.
things I'm currently experiencing:
complete exhaustion
bad headaches from the exhaustion
dehydration from nursing all darn day (and night)
sore nipples (ouch!)
bleeding from afterbirth
afterpains (post-delivery contractions) just stopped a few days ago,
but they were very painful this time.
tummy troubles from the event my body went through
my hips are killing me from laboring so hard and from delivery
Doesn't that make you want to push out a baby?
haha sorry.. I'm just keeping it real today. :)
and if you've been there, you KNOW what I mean,
and I want to publicly say to you: YOU GO MAMA!!
It should be acknowledged that what you went through in pregnancy, labor, and delivery
was no joke, and that your body took a beating.
But one that was worth it in every way.
This is part of the reason why I became a Postpartum Doula...
Because new mommies need a lot more support than they realize.
I haven't worked as one since we moved, but hope to again one day.
One thing you can do, if you are not on the birthing end of this little drawing,
(if you're the spouse, the friend, the sister, the mom)
is to remember what this woman in your life just went through,
that her body just grew and birthed a tiny person.
and THAT is no small feat.
I was blessed with family that came to help and friends who made meals,
an amazing birth doula,
and a husband who was there through everything.
(oh, and he brought me some much needed wine last night - the brand was even called "Mommy Juice"! :) props to him!)
THANK YOU to those who have been loving on me a little extra after this birth.
So remember to love on that new mama in your life
a little extra too.
She's going through a lot.
Like I said, postpartum reality is no joke.
But like I also said...
it is oh so totally worth it.