honest reality

reality. vulnerabulity. truth.

That's what I desire for my blogging,
for my friendships and community,
for my life.

Let's be honest, most people don't portray outwardly the
reality of what's really going on with them...
in their hearts, in their minds, in their homes.

And I understand that not all in life is to be shared
with everyone who will listen.
But I also believe that sharing reality (as He leads)
can bring LIFE to those around us,
and can help our own hearts too.


Facebook statuses, tweets, a lot of times blogging,
and even conversations with friends,
often depict the "positive" views of our lives.

You don't really want to post a picture of you
in your typical mommy outfit,
(you know what I'm talking about)
or of your house in disarray after a long day,
or of the temper tantrum your child just threw.


Like I said, I recognize that not everything is appropriate
to be shared with the world.
Some things that you are working on in your heart or home are
between you and Him.

My encouragement though, would be to ask Him what in your life might
be beneficial to be shared with others,
to help bring healing and life to them.
and maybe even bring healing to your own heart by sharing it.


I'm no exception.
but here's reality:
I don't do a craft with my child every day.
I don't have a spic-and-span clean house all the time.
I don't eat right a lot of the time, or exercise like I should.
I don't feed my child the "right" things all the time.
{for the most part, I don't even like to cook.}
There are socks and paci's on my floor every day.
I don't shower every day.
I don't vacuum up crumbs from toddler snacks every time they hit the floor.

That's not to say I don't attempt to do these things
{see my "trying to cook" link} :) ,
but let's just be real, they don't always happen.

(like I said, i don't always eat right...)

Reality for me is also this:
I struggle with fear, a spirit that has had a grip on me for a long time.
{though He has delivered me from a lot of it, it is still a daily surrender for me}
I also struggle with complaining a lot,
which actually stems from a root of fear.
I am not the most serving wife for my husband, he deserves a lot more from me.
I'm not a great friend because I struggle with a fear of rejection.
I get angry and disappointed with the Lord sometimes,
when I do not remember all that He has done for us.
Reality is that I MUST be repentant to move forward in healing and in freedom.

Reality is that life is messy.
But even MORE real, is that there is
Freedom amidst our mess.
and I believe that a lot of the freedom and truth we need can come from being REAL.


I am always most encouraged by people who share...
that they also struggle with fear,
or have trouble trusting God with their children.
or that they still grieve the loss of a baby.
or that they are just tired of life.
Because we've all been there.

As a friend posted about recently,
I desire to live having no apologies for
sharing what God is doing.
(as He leads me to share).
no apologies for living differently than others.
no apologies for sharing reality and not just a pretty picture.
no apologies for being real,
and pursuing the freedom God has for me.

I'm a day late,
(reality is that yesterday I was too exhausted to blog) :)
but Im linking up today with some amazing ladies
over here:
