sharing...why I blog

I've been asked a few times and have also been thinking about myself...
"why do you blog?"

Gosh this seems like such a big question,
and I know fellow bloggers can understand what I mean.

I started blogging because of a desire to share life with others,
and honestly as an outlet for me to write out my thoughts.
I loved writing as a little girl and I forgot that until this blog.
But it really isn't about the writing.


It's about the sharing.

"SHARE": (def)
to give a portion of something to others (v)
to use, occupy, or enjoy something jointly with others (v)

It's not just what I share, but what others share too.
honest communication of the real things in our lives.

it's about sharing life together.
the women I have met in this blog world actually pray for me...
and follow up.
such a deep sense of community I have found here.

{of course blogging is A LOT about sharing our littles...}

it's about sharing the fun stuff.
recipes, craft ideas, decorating ideas,
"pinterests", photography, and sometime just random funny stuff.

it's about sharing the hard stuff.
connecting with other women who have lost babies to miscarriage.
asking for prayer for sick loved ones, or for personal sickness.
holding each other accountable for how we pursue our husbands.
just sharing bad days and knowing its ok.


It's about sharing the realities of motherhood.
I only wish I had found blogging when I was a brand new mommy.
Keeping it real about breastfeeding, time management, temper tantrums,
paci's and sippy name it.
we mommas need each other.

Blogging does not and should not replace "real life" relationships.
God has put people in your life for a reason and sometimes I have to remind myself to pursue those relationships better...something He is working on in me.

But I am thankful for the community blogging has ADDED to my life.
I'm thankful for ALL the sharing.

I'd love to continue sharing life with you, lets be friends!


thats whats on my heart today...linking up here: