molars... and fireworks from God

I have loved seeing everyone's pictures from their amazing 4th of July!
BBQ's, fireworks, parades, picnics, pool parties...SO much fun!
I LOVE the 4th.

The pictures from our 4th are a little different this year.

(my sad little punkin cuddling close)

Abigail's little body decided to finally bring TWO molars to cut through at the same time this week. I've read that its like a constant migraine headache in an adult because
it is so painful.
So along with that came fever, tummy issues, runny nose, major clinginess, no sleep,
and lots of tears.
(if you're a mommy you KNOW molars are no fun for anyone.)

SO, needless to say, we couldn't attend the fun things we had planned.
(esp with a fever in 106 degree heat outside. yes, 106.)

As with many days (ahem, EVERY day) of being a mommy,
sacrifices had to be made for the benefit of our little one.

But I at least managed to get a pic of her in her super cute 4th outfit...
trying on mama's flip-flops, one of the few happy moments of the day!

I was so disappointed we couldn't go see fireworks as a family...
I just knew A would LOVE them!
But we made the decision to put her down when she needed to sleep and
just wait til next year.
But God wanted to give us a little gift.
(just because!)

Abigail happened to rouse a little bit in bed right as we heard some fireworks from our house.
Parker went to get her and brought her in to the guest bedroom window...
where we got to watch a 20 minute magnificent fireworks show.

up close. out of the heat. in our PJ's. as a family.

Oh, and God didn't stop there...because we are in a two story house near the top of a hill,
we got to see not one, not two, but SIX fireworks shows going on all around us,
in our town and the nearby towns!
Parker and I were like little kids running from window to window trying to see the best ones.

SO. It turned out to be a great 4th! a little different than most.
A day of molars and tears, instead of picnics and parades.
But a night of cuddling and fireworks....just what we needed!

so for now,
we will push through the next few days of painful teething and
hopefully do lots of cuddling and resting with our bums in the air. :)

I am hosting an awesome little GIVEAWAY tomorrow (Wednesday)!!!
It's my first one ever and Im SO excited!!
Be sure to check back in and enter!!!

sharing a cup of coffee with other ladies over here today...