Here we go again...
/It’s been a HOT MINUTE since I blogged here in this space, y’all. I tried to get back into it recently, posting some pics and a few random things.But something has been pulling me back to it for some time now. Pulling me back to SHARE. I have put it off and put it off, but here I am. My heart loves to share life here. It has always been such a sweet little spot for journaling, sharing, connecting, and even building community.
I kept thinking I needed a good plan or a “niche” or something like that, but right now I am just going with my heart…to just DO IT.
I am actually a terrible procrastinator. TERRIBLE. I do really well in the 11th hour of things, but scheduling and and planning - and then following through with that plan - is actually super hard for me. I get in my head too much about what I am supposed to be doing, then I get overwhelmed, then I shut down and don’t do anything at all!! It’s terrible! Can anyone relate?
But I am making an concerted (is that a word? it sounds like the right word.) effort to DO BETTER. To just START, and know that even if it’s not perfect, at least I did something. “Something is better than nothing”, right?
Do I have a big plan of what to blog about here? no. Do I know if anyone will even read any of it? no idea. But do I need to just do it because I feel led to? yep. So here we go.
Things here may look pretty or put together sometimes (I do like taking pics and I do like a clean house), but things on this blog will also be messy and hard and raw. Because that’s just who I am. All those things. I love Chick Fil A, but I also love a good juice cleanse. I love my kiddos, but there are also days I wish I could throw in the mama towel. Our marriage is sweet, but it also has been through some hard times. We live a good life, but we work really hard for it, with lots of sacrifice. Ups and downs and ins and outs and beautiful and messy - thats what you’ll get here.
My main goal, as it always has been, is to be REAL. I think that’s how God created us to function. I think that’s how we can live our best lives, our most fruitful and abundant lives!
So thanks, whether you have always been around as I have shared life online, or if you are new here…thanks for being here. I look so forward to doing this THANG.