She Reads Truth Bible


I have been feeling the desire for a new Bible for a while. Not sure why really, I mean, it's not like the Truth inside of it changes. I just have needed a fresh one to dive back into. I have recommitted myself to being more intentional in reading and learning scripture in 2018. I used to be good at it, but if I am being has gotten put aside way too much in this busy season of motherhood.

But i know I need it. Like, my brain and emotions are CRAVING Truth in a whole new way. Maybe it's because this season is full of lots of "moving parts", and the Bible is a constant and a steady thing that is always always reliable. I just know I need it more. I need to reach for it more and depend on it more.

I used to associate reading my Bible with a "religious checklist" thing. Something I HAD to do to be a "good" Christian. I have learned to let that silliness go as I have gotten to see just how big and powerful my relationship with God can be, without the "checklists of Christianity". But now that I am free from that mindset...I WANT to spend time with Jesus. I YEARN for the Truth that is God-breathed and Spirit-led. There is nothing more calming than when the Holy Spirit speaks and moves. And I need allllll the calm I can get in this season!

So when I saw that She Reads Truth was coming out with a beautiful Bible, I knew it was for me. It is so well crafted and put together, incorporating scripture art, devotionals, amazing maps and lessons to help you learn the stories of the Bible. I am so so glad I got this new Bible for myself.

If you have been sensing a need for tuning into Truth in a new way, I would totally recommend getting yourself a new Bible. I am excited to have new pages to hightlight, take notes on, pray through, mark with what the Holy Spirit speaks to me as I read. I look so forward to the new things God is going to show me through His Word in this new year!

You can find this beautiful Bible here.

(and here is a video about it)