/oh hey, dustin off the ole blog like I do every so often! What can I say? Life has been CRAY. Literally been the busiest Spring I think we have had. Moving, preggo, three little people, finishing up our first year of homeschool, starting a new biz, conference planning, etc etc... It's been a lot. It has exhausted me but filled me up all at the same time, if that makes sense.
But I am so ready for SUMMA!!! ready for pool-time, popsicles, friends over for cookouts, splash pads, no school structure, and most of all, ready to meet our newest addition in July!
So I thought I'd just catch up a bit here in pics then get back to the swing of things like blogging this week! Love you all!! Happy Summer!!
and oh yeah...I would love your opinion on what you like to read most....
About God? About healing? loss and grief? parenting? wifeing? what the Lord is teaching me? home stuff?
I want to jump back in and want to connect with you more, so lemme know. for real. :) Thanks!
Love yall!!!!