owning leads to overcoming

I adore that quote from Brene Brown.

It's something dear to my heart as I have waded through our crazy journeys in the 7-8 years or so of life...of life when things got messy, hard, seemingly impossible, and filled with heartache.

But out of the ashes, and through a deep thing (for lack of a better word..it was a "thing") inside of me that needed to get it all out...He has brought life. Blogging and sharing and processing here online has brought beauty. Sharing our testimonies with those we do life with has brought the beauty, and recounting the hard and the good with the Father Himself has brought beauty.

Parker and I have always been taught by our spiritual parents of the importance of Revelation 12:11 that says we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.

So basically...we overcome, we are given to ability to rise above hard stuff by our (all children of God) testimonies. That's why it is so important to share.

Someone needs to hear your story, your voice, your overcoming testimony. You need to hear theirs too. It's a beautiful way the Lord set up His Church to work and operate fully and whole.

And you know what else that means to me? That we will overcome by the word of our OWN testimony, like, for ourselves.

We have found ourelves sitting lately and recounting the provisions and goodness of God we have seen along our journey. And JUST by saying it out loud, by reminding each other and our own souls about how He showed up...it brings a spirit of overcoming.

It breathes life and hope to us, to you, to them. Processing and owning your story brings victory. Recognizing what He has done through your story brings power.

So let's make a commitment to do this thing even better....to share our stories and our testimonies...and create an atmosphere of Overcomers.

Because that's how we were made to live!