Distance learning came in like a madwoman, and took our patience and time and grit and potential for other work and rest and living and made us put it alllll on the back-burner for a few months this Spring. And it may continue into the Fall, we shall see. (Lord, Jesus I hope not!). It was a wild and crazy time for sooo many of us. For me, it rocked my world a bit, to suddenly have all 4 kiddos home allllll the time.
BUT - it was sweet and special too.
Like, when are we ever going to have this time again. When am I ever going to have this forced time to literally go nowhere, and become something new for my kids - their teacher, their instructor, their guide during every moment of the day! Such a gift, really - even though a lot fo days didn’t feel like that!
We Zoomed 16 times a week (not even kidding), watched one million Facebook Lives, and did our best to stay on track.
By the end, we were all tired of it. I don’t want to say I “gave up”…but let’s be honest, I kindof did.
This was just a hard season for the parents, y’all. Distance learning after being in school full time was borderline traumatizing (well, maybe thats dramatic)…but was seriously impactful on the emotional well-being of my kids. To go from being with peers and in a different setting, and a trained teacher…well, it was hard.
I was hoping to share more of what we did as we “homeschooled”. I really REALLY wanted to be that mom that had all her shit together and had a page on her mommy blog about all the amazing things we did while were “homeschooling” because of the quarantine. But alas, it didn’t turn out that way.
Good news is? We survived it.
Here are a few pics of our time…
Oh, and when you see the pic of the elaborate schedule I had written out, or my kids doing the Pledge of Allegiance (as I was trying to maintain some kind of “norm”) - just know those things lasted about 1 week out of the 9 we had at home, lol.